Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Grid Templates

In my previous post I talked about my favorite iPad drawing app, Procreate. One feature I miss is the ability to use a grid. Lucky for us, I have an easy work-around.

I created grids in Photoshop and exported them to images for use on the iPad.

Using the Grids

Simply save the full size images to your iPad pictures. Most painting/drawing apps support adding an image. Just import the grid you like and place it in a background layer.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Procreate: My New Sketchbook

Since I can remember, a sketchbook has been my constant companion. I'm a visual thinker, so ideas flow from my pencil more than my keyboard. Since tablet computers were promised, I've dreamed of replacing paper and pen with the clean, infinite media of digital art. 

While nothing can replace the feeling and smell of a new sketchbook waiting to explode with ideas, the benefits of a tablet are too many to ignore--especially with the current iPad's quality, resolution and battery life. Paper now has a serious contender, and with Procreate on the iPadI finally do not feel bad about leaving my sketchbook at home.

To start out, I'll show what is possible with Procreate. I made this from scratch in about 4 hours total as a beginner with the product.

Skull Study

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Art Room Project - Final

This is the twelfth post in my Art Room Project series. Find the Table of Contents at the first post, Getting Started.


I installed the hardware. They are a pewter finish with a mixture of pulls and knobs. The contrasting silver pops against the deep red and black wood grain. I'm very happy with the results.

Also added a new overhead light. Had to move the electrical around a little, but no hassle if you've done it once or twice.

The only parts left on the room is finding the perfect chair, building some more hangings for the slatwall (see below), and organizing all my art crap in a meaningful way.